Gordon Klingenschmitt has already stood up to help you:
DEFEND all your Constitutional Rights, especially First & Second Amendment rights
CUT the size of government, reduce spending, and lower taxes
REVERSE inflationary trends caused by big-government spending
PROTECT public safety by supporting our first responders in uniform
FIX our roads, infrastructure, and properly distribute natural resources for which you've already paid
REDUCE the bureaucratic overhead that hurts small businesses, jobs and taxpayers
(Not a candidate at this time)
Thank you if you Voted for Gordon
for City Council
on April 4th, 2023
Love Your Neighbor Campaign
"If elected, I pledge to vote how I believe you would, doing for others what I would want them to do for me."
-Gordon's Golden Rule of Politics
Gordon's Pro-Freedom Legislation:
Gordon introduced a bill to repeal "Obamacare" in State Law HB15-1163, reversing HB13-1266 that added Obamacare to State Law
2nd Amend't: Gordon introduced a bill HB15-1127 to protect "Concealed Carry" permittees and business-owners who allow citizens to self-protect
1st Amend't: Gordon introduced a bill HB15-1161 to protect bakers and artists who want to opt-out of government-compelled speech or government-enforced religion. Gordon is a former Navy Chaplain who defends freedom of speech and religion for people of all faiths
Common Core Repeal: Gordon introduced a bill HB15-1208 to repeal "Common Core" education standards and get Colorado out of the PARCC Consortium
Smaller Government: Gordon introduced a bill HB15-1044 to repeal and sunset outdated business regulations, and to promote economic freedom - Jobs!
Spending Cuts/Tax Cuts: Gordon introduced largest spending cut in 2015 budget, $52 million, and defended TABOR against Democrat violations. Liberty first!
VIDEO: Experienced Leadership, Compassionate Conservative
COLORADO SPRINGS IS OUR HOME. Gordon has lived in our beautiful city since 1986 continuously, except for military assignments.
Charity Leader: Non-profit leader serving the community since 1999
Cares for Elderly: Chaplain at three nursing homes cared for elderly
Disaster Relief: Raised $ for Boulder Flood, Black Forest Fire, Haiti Quake
Former Navy Chaplain: Took a stand for right to pray "in Jesus' name," sacrificed career but vindicated by Congress, two honorable discharges
Educator: Taught college at CCU for three years
Religious Freedom: Sent 5 million petitions to Congress, helped change bad laws/policies in 13 states
National TV host: Aired 1200 programs satellite network in 54 million homes
Pro-Life: Organized Personhood initiatives 5 states defended preborn
Pro-Family, Pro-Israel, Equal Rights: Member NAACP since 2014
Faithful Husband: married 27 years to same beautiful Colorado gal
LISTEN! New radio ads on KVOR and KRDO. Ad #1 here. Ad #2 here.
Twice rated most conservative State Representative from El Paso County by Principles Of Liberty
Taxpayer Champion: best legislator rating by Colorado Union Taxpayers for lowering taxes, defending TABOR
20-year Veteran: Air Force Academy Political Science (4), former Navy Chaplain (5), Nuclear Missiles + Intel USAF Major NORAD/SPACECOM (11)
PhD Theology (Regent U.): Bible/Theo Faculty 3 years Colorado Christian U.
Business Leader/Jobs Creator: MBA founded two successful corps,
met payroll, balanced budgets, Mgt Consultant to 3 and 4-star Generals
Fmr Top-Secret Clearance: Served as Intel Officer daily with DIA/CIA/NSA. Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Wartime Service: Volunteered for demotion to serve as Chaplain, Deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom on USS ANZIO, won six awards and best in Navy for community service
Founded and led Charity serving thousands of poor, since 1999
Listen! Tom Tancredo for Gordon:
Gordon was twice rated #1 most conservative legislator from Colorado Springs, Taxpayer Champion, "A" Liberty Scorecard.
Fmr Elected Legislator, 20-year veteran, Air Force Academy graduate, fmr Navy Chaplain, PhD Theology, fmr College Faculty at CCU, MBA Business Founder, Charity Leader, serves orphans-widows-elderly-homeless-veterans, National TV host. Read Gordon's full resume, HERE.
Gordon's Navy documents prove Vindicated by Congress
after taking a stand to pray "in Jesus' name"
"Gordon Klingenschmitt takes a lot of heat because he lives up to both the oath he took as member of the state legislature AND the oath he took as a chaplain for his church. I believe he has been true to both and 'taking heat' goes with the territory. I like the way he stands up under pressure." --Tom Tancredo
3-Star General Jerry Boykin endorsed Gordon, read!
Alan Keyes for President endorsed Gordon. Listen-->
State Senator Lambert confirmed Gordon will cut taxes. Listen-->
Colorado Right to Life confirmed Gordon 100% Pro-Life. Listen-->
VIDEO: Gay Democrat says Gordon not evil, LOL
Support our first-responders, better roads,
with lower costs to taxpayers
Did you know?
Colorado Springs collects the maximum local sales tax allowed under Colorado law
Colorado Springs has a higher sales tax than 80.3% of Colorado's other cities and counties [Source: Tax-Rates.org]
Gordon's Questions for the voters of Colorado Springs:
1) Why is our city sales tax (8.2%) higher than Denver (7.65%) Castle Rock (7.90%) or Pueblo (7.40%)?
2) Are you really getting better city services than people of Denver or Pueblo? 3) Why have sales taxes increased 25% in six years? 4) Why do ballot initiatives begin "without raising your taxes" then beg permission to keep the taxes you've already overpaid? 5) Why is our state becoming a 'sanctuary' for lawbreakers? 6) Why does state government infringe upon your Constitutional rights? 7) Why does state government attack TABOR; who will defend taxpayers? 8) This is Colorado Springs, why don't we have a conservative city council?
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Please Donate:
No limit per contributor, American citizens only please, mail checks to:
Gordon for Colorado
PO Box 77077
Colorado Springs, CO 80970
Please write name, address, occupation & employer in the memo line, to help us comply with campaign rules. No corporate contributions (LLCs are OK), no foreign nationals, not tax-deductible. Thank you!