Gordon Klingenschmitt will stand up to the liberals, and:
DEFEND your First & Second Amendment rights, and the WHOLE rule of law!
CUT unnecessary tax increases illegally imposed without a vote of the people!
REVERSE the trend of full-time jobs being converted to part-time jobs!
PROTECT the elderly and innocent children from abuse and fetal homicide!
TRANSFER educational choice back into the hands of families, not self-serving union interests!
REDUCE fraud, waste, abuse and bureaucratic overhead that hurts small businesses, jobs and taxpayers.
Better, Faster, Cheaper Government
Lower Taxes and Utility Bills: Why did county commissioners raise sales taxes 25% in six years? Why does state government attack TABOR?
Efficient Transportation: Why do our county roads receive lower priority for funding, when most county complaints are against bad roads?
Constitutional Liberties: Why does state government attack our right to life, liberty, and self-defense?
Homelessness: Our charity gave free coats to homeless veterans, helped with the point in time survey, & ministered to homeless for 20 years.
Public Safety: Let's support our deputies while insisting the Sheriff cooperate with ICE and deny sanctuary county status to lawbreakers.
Gordon Klingenschmitt, PhD, is your EXPERIENCED candidate for El Paso County Commissioner.
TAX-CUTS: We can lower our city taxes, fees, and utilities costs and still meet necessary needs of our city's transportation, police, fire, medical, education needs.
PRO-BUSINESS: As a 20-year veteran, Air Force Academy graduate, former Navy Chaplain, Gordon also earned his M.B.A. and founded two successful businesses. As a small-business owner and leader, Gordon has balanced a budget, met payroll, and his charity built an orphanage for 94 children. Jobs are better than welfare!
PRO-LIFE: Gordon is a leader in the pro-life community, having helped mobilize petition drives or ballot initiatives in six states to defend the personhood of the unborn. Watch Gordon's pro-life campaign video here.
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE: Gordon is a national leader who fights for your religious freedom, having delivered 4.5 million petitions and helping changing laws or policies in 13 states, including defense of traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Watch pro-marriage video here.
PRO-2ND AMENDMENT: The only candidate with military experience, Gordon also earned his NRA badge at age 16 as captain of his high-school rifle team. He worked in the recall elections that fired two Senate Democrats. As Member of the NRA, PPFC, and RMGO, he will not compromise. Watch pro-gun video here.
TRANSPORTATION: Gordon is already advocating to fix the traffic problems in our district, especially on Marksheffel and Powers. Why don't our taxes return from Denver or Washington to our neighborhood? Watch Gordon's two transportation videos here and here.
POLICE, FIRE, MEDICAL FIRST RESPONDERS: As a 20-year veteran, Gordon supports our first responders who make El Paso County a world-class county.
EDUCATION: Gordon believes parents and teachers, not unions and politicians, should control your children's education. Locally elected school boards, not common-core bureaucrats, should set standards. Gordon promotes school choice, whether for public or private, home-school or charter schools, because free-market competition holds all schools accountable to improve.
PRIVATE CHARITY: Gordon believes community, not big government, will solve most problems through generosity and compassion. For example, Gordon led a church group and boy scout troop to clean up after a tumbleweed natural disater, faster than the government's response. Watch 11 News video here.
Got another issue question? Email gordonforcolorado@yahoo.com
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Gordon for Colorado
PO Box 77077
Colorado Springs, CO 80970
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